With Action, I Can Achieve Anything!

Mind Controlled Wheel Chair


My colleague Ashok and I have built India’s first mind controlled wheel chair using the consumer EEG headset: Emotiv EPOC. We have used the Emotiv’s in-built smart artifact algorithm, that detects facial muscle movement based on artifacts, to create four controls: Go forward, stop, turn right and turn left.

Then, we have hacked an electric wheelchair to be controlled by an arduino which is controlled by the computer. The computer takes the EEG recording input from the Emotiv EPOC, then decodes them into actions and then control the wheelchair.

The link above shows the website for the project.

Mind Controlled Wheelchair demo

My colleague Ashok and I have built India's first mind-controlled wheelchair in CEERI chennai in early 2013.

Here Ashok is demoing the wheelchair in action.